A Waterproof Case For Your Camera Gear – Vanguard 37F
Vanguard Case Closed
I have recently started to use one of the Vanguard camera cases, it is the Vanguard 37F and is a very nice case for the money. The reason I got this case is that it is specified as waterproof and as I do quite a bit of kayaking, it seemed appropriate for my use. There is quite a risk in kayaking in carrying expensive camera gear as I do bird photography with a long lens. Carrying several thousand dollars of camera gear in my kayak warranted some expense to protect it. If the water starts to get rough I can stow my gear away to protect it. also I normally carry a couple of other lenses on my kayaking trips, the following Nikkors, 28mm f/1.8 and the 105mm f/2.8 Micro lens generally come along with me in the kayak.
Vanguard Case Closed
The above image is of the Vanguard case when closed. The image below is of the open case with the Vanguard divider insert installed. As an example the following items are in the case
Nikon D700,
Nikkor 300mm f/4 D lens,
Nikkor 28mm f/1.8 lens,
Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Micro lens.
Vanguard Case Open
As can be seen from the above image, there is a small amount of space wasted with the gap between the insert and the case itself. When I purchased the insert I tossed up between the standard Vanguard insert and the only alternative that I am aware of, the TrekPak. From the images of the TrekPak dividers they do look to better in terms of utilisation of the case volume but they are much more expensive so I settled for the cheaper standard Vanguard dividers.
From my experience to date I highly recommend this case.
The equipment I use for my photography is mainly as follows, there is a link to the Vanguard case in the B&H link below: