Recently I did a road trip to the north of Brisbane up to Bundaberg and also inland from that area. I really like these trips with our caravan as it enables me to see a wide range of scenery and also to find different varieties of wildlife to photograph. As you have probably noticed I do love photographing different scenery and wildlife.
For the next few weeks I will make up from my lack of blogging over the last six months by documenting in words and images some of the recent trips I have been on.
A really nice park I came across was Rossendale Reserve near Bauple. The park has a nice grassed area with tracts of bush all around, a nice spot for birds I thought. Bauple is only a tiny country town and is a little south of Maryborough, Queensland. It is really just a roadside stop, but a nice stop with the caravan.

This Australian brush turkey was a welcome visitor to our stop over. They are quite common around bush areas and are quite easy to photograph.

I was also fortunate to find the above quiet Yellow Robin flitting around the park and perching on the side of trees. This image of the Yellow Robin is very typical of this bird.

The above Grey Fantail was very busy around the park chasing insects. He was not very still to photograph due to his insect catching activity but I managed to get a few nice images of him.
This was a nice spot when I initially visited but it was very hot when I revisited a few weeks later as the surrounding trees shelter it from any breeze, but on a cool day it is well worth visiting.
For all the above images I used the Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E super telephoto lens together with the Nikon D810 camera.
The equipment I use and recommend for my photography is as follows: