This Blog is both a review of sample images processed with the new FREE Nikon NX Studio Software and a review of some of the images from the Nikon 200mm f/4D IF ED Micro Lens.
The Hibiscus Flamenco
The Hibiscus Flamenco has been processed in NX Studio using the following adjustments:
- Adjust Composition/Crop Tool – A slight crop has been done to place the flower more central in the frame.
- Adjust Details/ Noise reduction – To reduce the slight amount of noise in the image.
- Adjust Brightness and Color – The Saturation and Highlight Protection has been adjusted to give a more pleasing look.
- Color Control Point – Brightness has been adjusted to slightly darken the center of the flower.
- Sharpness Adjustment – Adjustment of Unsharp Mask to give the image a sharper appearance.

Grass Hopper
Grass Hopper on Window Glass has been processed as follows:
- Adjust Composition – The Crop Tool is used to highlight the grass hopper in the frame.
- Levels and Curves – To adjust the greens on the hopper.
- Color Control Point – Further adjustment of the greens and blues and to add some warmth to the image.
- Sharpness Adjustment – The Unsharp Mask is used to sharpen up the image.
- Touch-up – The Retouch Brush to fix a few blemishes in the image.

Fairy Floss
The Mandevilla, Apocynaceae, Fairy Floss has also been adjusted with NX Studio as follows:
- Color Control Point – The color control point as been adjusted three times in different areas of the background adjusting the brightness to darken most of the background.
- Color Control Point – This has been adjusted over the flower to improve the color saturation.
- Retouch Brush – Some of the foliage has been retouched to fix background blemishes.
- Sharpness Adjustment – The Unsharp Mask is used to sharpen up the image.

Desert Rose
- The Desert Rose has been adjusted as follows:
Adjust Details – A small amount of Noise Reduction. - Color Booster – Gives the flower a boost in color.
- Adjust Composition – Image is cropped with the Crop Tool to highlight the flower.
- Adjust Brightness and Colour – I used the Highlight Protection to slightly darken the highlights.
- Picture Control – The Picture Control has been used to improve the Contrast.
- Sharpness Adjustment – The Unsharp Mask is used to sharpen up the image.

Post Processing With Nikon NX Studio
In general you will find that with most images there will need to be some adjustments to finally give your images a look that you are very happy with. Nearly always your images will also need some fine tuning with the sharpness adjustment, unsharp mask to give them the “so sharp” look.
Perhaps in conclusion some comments on the performance of the NX Studio software. Generally I am quite happy with the software, bear in mind that the software is free. There are some things missing such as layers and this does limit the application of the software to some extent. Also the software is quite slow sometimes with some of the actions compared to the more sophisticated pay software which I do use such as the following;
- DxO PhotoLab 4,
- Capture One 21,
- Affinity Photo.
Nikon AF NIKKOR 200mm f/4D Micro Lens
As I mentioned above all these images were captured with the Nikon, NIKKOR, 200mm, f/4D, Micro lens which is renowned as being a very sharp lens. I really do love using this lens. Being a 200mm long lens, care does need to be taken to ensure sharp images and for this reason I do tend to use a monopod when using the lens to help stabilise it.
If you need any camera gear similar to what I use, I recommend you try B&H on the link below for your purchases.