An Astro Image From Red Rock, New South Wales – A Stitched Panorama Of Single Images

Astro, Milky Way, Red Rock

Quite often with my images I like to go back and look at images I took a few years ago and reprocess them.  Generally the processing software has improved with much better noise reduction and other enhanced processing actions.  Also with time, our processing techniques may also have improved significantly with improved skill level. With… Continue reading An Astro Image From Red Rock, New South Wales – A Stitched Panorama Of Single Images

Over 50 of the Best Tips To Help You Improve your Photography

Regent Bowerbird

There are many ways to improve your photography and the subject ranges from understanding the technical jargon of photography to the way you compose the image and also to the aspect of having your camera with you when a photographic opportunity arises. Tip 1 – Have your camera with you at all times.  I love… Continue reading Over 50 of the Best Tips To Help You Improve your Photography

Improving Your Photography By Getting Sharper Images From Your Camera

Bluefaced Honeyeater

There are many ways you can improve your photography.  One of the main aspects is to improve the sharpness of your images that you capture.  If we look at all the issues and there are many which can contribute to movement of the image captured by the camera sensor; it is the camera sensor which… Continue reading Improving Your Photography By Getting Sharper Images From Your Camera

Attracting Birds Into Your Garden To Give Great Photographic Opportunities

House Sparrow

It is wonderful if you can establish a bird attracting garden to assist you in getting more opportunities to photograph a wide range of birds. Over the last 12 to 15 months with the dreaded Covid19 causing major disruptions to our normal way of life, this project has become of major importance to me.  I… Continue reading Attracting Birds Into Your Garden To Give Great Photographic Opportunities

Using The Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED Zoom Lens In Your Backyard

White Bellied Sea Eagle

When I purchased the Nikon 200-500mm lens it never occurred to me that I would be using it for much of the time in our backyard. We have a very nice garden with native plants to attract the birds from our location. All of the images below are from the 200-500mm f/5.6E zoom lens. The… Continue reading Using The Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED Zoom Lens In Your Backyard

A Detailed Guide To Understanding The Settings And Menus On Your Digital Camera

Nikon D810

Every Digital camera has a Menu designed to help you set the camera to enable you to get the best image results from the camera. The settings for focus, shutter speed, aperture and ISO are not the only settings on your camera, there are many other settings available. In this blog I will attempt to… Continue reading A Detailed Guide To Understanding The Settings And Menus On Your Digital Camera

Surfing Images At Port Macquarie, New South Wales With The Nikon 200-500mm Super Telephoto Lens

Surfer In Flight, Port Macquarie

The town of Port Macquarie, New South Wales is a top surfing location, so when visiting I attempted to capture some nice images of surfers at work!! The secret of catching great images of surfers, is to attempt to get the surfer at the peak of the action.  Follow the surfer as they come in… Continue reading Surfing Images At Port Macquarie, New South Wales With The Nikon 200-500mm Super Telephoto Lens

Always Keep Your Eyes Open For New Photographic Opportunities – Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E Lens

Sunset From Backyard

I always try to keep my eyes open for new image opportunities and keep one of my cameras close at hand to capture the decisive moment. When I am travelling this is always the case, however when at home sometimes I neglect to have the camera nearby. Sunsets are always an excellent subject for captures from… Continue reading Always Keep Your Eyes Open For New Photographic Opportunities – Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E Lens

Some Images Of A Beautiful River, The Clarence River, Iluka, New South Wales

Twilight, Clarence River Iluka, New South Wales

Iluka is a very small village at the mouth of the Clarence River in New South Wales, Australia. It is situated directly across the river, on the northern side from the larger resort town of Yamba. It has a small population of under 2,000 people. The town’s name Iluka is derived from an aboriginal word… Continue reading Some Images Of A Beautiful River, The Clarence River, Iluka, New South Wales

Seascapes, Supermoon and Bird Images From Burrum Heads, Queensland

Pelican taking off, Burrum Heads, Queensland

Burrum Heads is located approximately 300 kilometres from the Queensland state capital, Brisbane and only 30 minutes outside of Hervey Bay, this little seaside village is a destination in its own right for visitors. It is a very peaceful and tranquil area. There are rivers and creeks to explore by boat or kayak and the… Continue reading Seascapes, Supermoon and Bird Images From Burrum Heads, Queensland

A Visit To Childers Is Like Travelling Back In A Time Machine With The Nikon 28mm f/1.8G AF-S Lens

The Decay Slayer, Dentist Childers, Queensland

Yes a visit to Childers, Queensland is a little like travelling back in time in a time machine. Even though it is like visiting time long gone, it is still a very interesting town to visit. Some of the images below may give you a feeling of the life of this town. Many of the streets… Continue reading A Visit To Childers Is Like Travelling Back In A Time Machine With The Nikon 28mm f/1.8G AF-S Lens

Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, An Excellent Haven For Water Bird Photography

Intermediate EgretIn Breeding Plumage Dancing, Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, Queensland

The area of Cotton Tree is generally bounded by the Maroochy River and Cornmeal Creek to the north and to the south and west by Aerodrome Road and by the Pacific Ocean to the east. The area takes its name from the Hibiscus tiliaceus plant which is also known as Coastal Cotton tree or Cottonwood.… Continue reading Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, An Excellent Haven For Water Bird Photography

Capturing the Brightness Of The Sunflowers

Sunflowers 2, Warwick Queensland

Sunflowers are tall plants that grow to a height of around 300 centimetres. They bear one or more wide flower heads, with bright yellow ray florets at the outside and yellow or maroon (brown/red) disc florets inside. During their growth period, the sunflowers tilt during the day to face the sun, but they stop tilting… Continue reading Capturing the Brightness Of The Sunflowers

A Vivid Experience at Vivid Sydney

Tiger Animal Sculpture at Zoo at Vivid Sydney

Last weekend I visited the Vivid Festival at Vivid Sydney. It was great using the Nikon D810 camera, what a wonderful camera for such events. The camera has excellent low light capability and also a high pixel count. Here I would like to note some of the aspects of the photography at Vivid Sidney. Due to… Continue reading A Vivid Experience at Vivid Sydney

Suitable Lenses For Landscapes and Seascapes

Cloudscape at Red Rock, New South Wales.

Generally photographers select a wide angle lens for landscapes or seascapes. Landscapes and seascapes often ask for a lot to be included in the image but sometimes a long telephoto lens can be used to emphasise some aspect of the image. In the next two examples I have used a wide angle lens of 28mm… Continue reading Suitable Lenses For Landscapes and Seascapes

Simplifying Hyperfocal Distance, Depth of Field and Neutral Density (ND) Filter Calculations Using Your Smart Phone

Most of us today are using Smart Phones today in our daily lives, some things the Smart Phones do not do very well and other things the Smart Phones do very well. Smart Phones are extremely good at simple computer type calculations and coming from an Engineering background I really like to get the calculations… Continue reading Simplifying Hyperfocal Distance, Depth of Field and Neutral Density (ND) Filter Calculations Using Your Smart Phone

A Visit To The Zoo With A Long Telephoto Lens

    When going to the zoo there is always an opportunity for plenty of animal and bird images. Above is a Gallery of some images I was able to capture. For the animals and birds I always like to get up really close and crop the images tightly to ensure that there is very… Continue reading A Visit To The Zoo With A Long Telephoto Lens

Challenges of Photographing Birds

Superb Blue Wren (Female) Bjelke Petersen Dam, Queensland

Photographing birds is such a challenging pastime. Heading out for a photographic session you may come across a tiny fairy wren which may only be 30mm high and on another occasion you will come across a great egret which may be 1,000mm high so there is a need to be flexible to be prepared for… Continue reading Challenges of Photographing Birds

Enhancing Your Tripod With Some Accessories

To obtain a stable camera for long exposures, the tripod is only part of the overall picture. There are many accessories to add to your tripod to make your photographic life easier and to make your images even sharper.

When you purchase your camera it will come with a standard 1/4″-20 screw socket for mounting to the tripod, this is somewhat inconvenient if you need to quickly mount the camera to the tripod.